using var api = GetAuthenticatedClient();
byte[] bytes = await api.Audio.CreateSpeechAsync(
model: CreateSpeechRequestModel.Tts1,
input: "Overwatering is a common issue for those taking care of houseplants. To prevent it, it is"
+ " crucial to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Instead of watering on a fixed schedule,"
+ " consider using a moisture meter to accurately gauge the soil’s wetness. Should the soil retain"
+ " moisture, it is wise to postpone watering for a couple more days. When in doubt, it is often safer"
+ " to water sparingly and maintain a less-is-more approach.",
voice: CreateSpeechRequestVoice.Alloy);
FileInfo fileInfo = new($"{Guid.NewGuid()}.mp3");
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fileInfo.FullName, bytes);
Console.WriteLine($"Audio available at:\n{new Uri(fileInfo.FullName).AbsoluteUri}");