using var api = GetAuthenticatedClient();
// First, we create an image using dall-e-3:
ImagesResponse imageResult = await api.Images.CreateImageAsync(
prompt: "a majestic alpaca on a mountain ridge, backed by an expansive blue sky accented with sparse clouds",
model: CreateImageRequestModel.DallE3,
style: CreateImageRequestStyle.Vivid,
quality: CreateImageRequestQuality.Hd,
size: CreateImageRequestSize.x1792x1024);
Image imageGeneration = imageResult.Data[0];
Console.WriteLine($"Majestic alpaca available at:\n{imageGeneration.Url}");
// Now, we'll ask a cranky art critic to evaluate the image using gpt vision:
CreateChatCompletionResponse chatCompletion = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
messages: [
("Assume the role of a cranky art critic. When asked to describe or " +
"evaluate imagery, focus on criticizing elements of subject, composition, and other details.").AsSystemMessage(),
"describe the following image in a few sentences",
new Uri(imageGeneration.Url ?? string.Empty),
model: ChatClient.LatestSmartModel,
maxCompletionTokens: 2048);
string chatResponseText = chatCompletion.Choices[0].Message.Content ?? string.Empty;
Console.WriteLine($"Art critique of majestic alpaca:\n{chatResponseText}");
// Finally, we'll get some text-to-speech for that critical evaluation using tts-1-hd:
byte[] ttsResult = await api.Audio.CreateSpeechAsync(
input: chatResponseText,
model: CreateSpeechRequestModel.Tts1Hd,
voice: CreateSpeechRequestVoice.Fable,
speed: 0.9f,
responseFormat: CreateSpeechRequestResponseFormat.Opus);
FileInfo ttsFileInfo = new($"{chatCompletion.Id}.opus");
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(ttsFileInfo.FullName, ttsResult);
Console.WriteLine($"Alpaca evaluation audio available at:\n{new Uri(ttsFileInfo.FullName).AbsoluteUri}");