using var api = GetAuthenticatedClient();
// First, we'll use gpt-4o to have a creative helper imagine a twist on a household pet
CreateChatCompletionResponse creativeWriterResult = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
model: CreateChatCompletionRequestModel.Gpt4o,
"You're a creative helper that specializes in brainstorming designs for concepts that fuse ordinary, mundane items with a fantastical touch. In particular, you can provide good one-paragraph descriptions of concept images.".AsSystemMessage(),
"Imagine a household pet. Now add in a subtle touch of magic or 'different'. What do you imagine? Provide a one-paragraph description of a picture of this new creature, focusing on the details of the imagery such that it'd be suitable for creating a picture.",
maxCompletionTokens: 2048);
string description = creativeWriterResult.Choices[0].Message.Content ?? string.Empty;
Console.WriteLine($"Creative helper's creature description:\n{description}");
// Asynchronously, in parallel to the next steps, we'll get the creative description in the voice of Onyx
byte[] imageDescriptionAudio = await api.Audio.CreateSpeechAsync(
model: CreateSpeechRequestModel.Tts1Hd,
input: description,
voice: CreateSpeechRequestVoice.Onyx,
speed: 1.1f,
responseFormat: CreateSpeechRequestResponseFormat.Opus);
FileInfo audioFileInfo = new FileInfo($"{creativeWriterResult.Id}-description.opus");
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(audioFileInfo.FullName, imageDescriptionAudio);
Console.WriteLine($"Spoken description available at:\n{new Uri(audioFileInfo.FullName).AbsoluteUri}");
// Meanwhile, we'll use dall-e-3 to generate a rendition of our LLM artist's vision
ImagesResponse imageGenerationResult = await api.Images.CreateImageAsync(
prompt: description,
model: CreateImageRequestModel.DallE3,
size: CreateImageRequestSize.x1792x1024,
quality: CreateImageRequestQuality.Hd);
Uri imageLocation = new Uri(imageGenerationResult.Data[0].Url ?? string.Empty);
Console.WriteLine($"Creature image available at:\n{imageLocation.AbsoluteUri}");
// Now, we'll use gpt vision to get a hopelessly taken assessment from a usually exigent art connoisseur
CreateChatCompletionResponse criticalAppraisalResult = await api.Chat.CreateChatCompletionAsync(
messages: [
"Assume the role of an art critic. Although usually cranky and occasionally even referred to as a 'curmudgeon', you're somehow entirely smitten with the subject presented to you and, despite your best efforts, can't help but lavish praise when you're asked to appraise a provided image.".AsSystemMessage(),
"Evaluate this image for me. What is it, and what do you think of it?",
model: ChatClient.LatestSmartModel,
maxCompletionTokens: 2048);
string appraisal = criticalAppraisalResult.Choices[0].Message.Content ?? string.Empty;
Console.WriteLine($"Critic's appraisal:\n{appraisal}");
// Finally, we'll get that art expert's laudations in the voice of Fable
byte[] appraisalAudioResult = await api.Audio.CreateSpeechAsync(
input: appraisal,
model: CreateSpeechRequestModel.Tts1Hd,
voice: CreateSpeechRequestVoice.Fable,
speed: 0.9f,
responseFormat: CreateSpeechRequestResponseFormat.Opus);
FileInfo criticAudioFileInfo = new($"{criticalAppraisalResult.Id}-appraisal.opus");
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(criticAudioFileInfo.FullName, appraisalAudioResult);
Console.WriteLine($"Critical appraisal available at:\n{new Uri(criticAudioFileInfo.FullName).AbsoluteUri}");